
Information For Patients

It’s European Cervical Cancer Prevention Week



It’s European Cervical Cancer Prevention Week and CervicalCheck are asking women to call Freephone 1800 45 45 55 to receive a free Pearl of Wisdom pin, the symbol of the European cervical cancer prevention campaign and being distributed for European Cervical Cancer Prevention Week (21-31 January 2015).

CervicalCheck reminds women aged 25 to 60 that free, regular cervical screening is the most effective method to reduce their risk of developing cervical cancer. Women are asked to wear or share their Pearl of Wisdom with someone they care about aged 25 to 60, and remind her how easy it is to arrange a regular free smear test.
Ways to help:

It takes seconds to check when a smear test is due, register or change personal details or find a convenient smear taker at: www.cervicalcheck.ie or Freephone 1800 45 45 55.

Talk with friends and family, let them know they can check when their next smear test is due at: www.cervicalcheck.ie