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Ensure children are fully vaccinated against measles

Measles transmission in Ireland is currently at low levels. Six cases were reported so far this year, two of these were laboratory confirmed. As neither of these individuals had travelled overseas this means that measles transmission is occurring in Ireland.

Parents going on holiday with their children should make sure that they are up to date with their vaccines, particularly MMR vaccine which protects against measles, mumps rubella. Measles is one of the most infectious diseases known to man. Two doses of MMR vaccine will protect most (99%) of those vaccinated.
People travelling to the UK should be aware of measles outbreaks that are being reported in England and Wales. Those areas most affected are Wales and the north east and north west of England.
Other countries where measles transmission has been high in the past 12 months includes France, Italy, Romania, Spain.
Parents of children should make sure that their children are up to date with vaccines, particularly MMR, before travel. In Ireland the MMR vaccine is given routinely at 12 months of age and another dose at 4-5 years of age.  Vaccination with MMR vaccine is the only way to protect against measles. Parents must make sure that their children and teenagers are protected against measles by ensuring they have been immunised with the MMR vaccine before they visit Europe. Measles is a highly infectious and dangerous illness which spreads very easily, particularly in homes, crèches, playgroups, camps, schools and universities. Parents should speak with their GP/Practice Nurse and get the vaccine for their child if needed. The vaccine is free.
Article Source: www.hpsc.ie